Recycling Unit RU 2500 on the jobsite
RU 2500 is a high-performance recycling unit with efficiency up to 2500l/min of high viscoscity mud.
This system allows for effective cleaning of drilling fluids used in HDD, Direct Pipe and Microtunneling technologies.

Poland's longest HDD drilling completed. It is 2016 m long.
Under the Olszanka reserve, a Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) of 2016 meters in length and a maximum depth of 41 meters was successfully completed, marking the longest HDD drilling in Poland.
Final pulling force – 38 tons – thanks to the use of a friction-reducing agent – Prime Lube
Achieved friction coefficient on the drill string – 0,14
Drilling company: GGT Solutions S.A.
Drilling fluid company: HEADS Sp. z o.o.
Mud system – bentonite/inhibited mud system
Drilling fluid materials: Teqgel Special, Prime Lube, Teqclear.

XXVI International HDD Seminar
We have great pleasure in inviting you to a training seminar organized by HEADS. This is the 26th edition addressed to designers and contractors of HDD technology installations, during which a number of lectures will be given by qualified HEADS engineers and partners.
Seminar date:
Start 10:00 AM
AC Hotel by Marriott Al. 3 Maja 51, Kraków
Please send applications and any questions to:
by phone: +12 269 05 68